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Writer's pictureRonnie Little

Waxing FAQ

This is my 4th year as a waxing specialist and my 3rd year in business for myself. Along the way, I've definitely noticed some questions are asked far more frequently than others. This post won't cover every question and every aspect of waxing, but I do have other posts that should cover anything else for you!*

*If you're brand new to waxing, I'd suggest starting with Waxing 101 to learn the very basics and benefits of waxing. Then I'd suggest the Pre & Post Wax Tips post, and finally, if you're interested in Brazilian or bikini waxing, the Brazilian Breakdown post goes over in detail what to expect with those waxes, the differences between them, etc.

Wax stick being dipped into waxpot

I have (insert event) on (insert date), when should I book my wax?

Planning a wax appointment around an event or vacation is not unheard of, in fact, it's very common! My general rule of thumb is to come a minimum of 2 days before you're set to leave, get married, get on a plane, date night, whatever your big occasion is. This not only allows your skin to recuperate and hopefully prevent any ingrown hairs or irritation but also, in the event you did have a reaction/breakout of sorts, there's still time for it to recover and calm. Plus, if your plans involve traveling, you definitely don't want to have to deal with that while on the go!

Additionally, it's important to remember my golden rule "avoid anything that causes friction, sweating, rubbing, or open bodies of water for 24-48 hours". This includes anything from wearing tight pants, going to the gym, going to a pool/beach, having sex, and quite a bit more. Anything that gets in your open follicles could lead to ingrown hairs, irritation, etc. Anything scratching, burning, or rubbing the area can cause discomfort, irritation and/or ingrown hairs. The longer you can avoid these things, the better! I also personally advise waiting 2-3 days to exfoliate before and after a wax, especially if you're someone with sensitive skin, but I know that might not be a hot take.

Can plus size people get waxed?

My answer to this is always OF COURSE!!

I'm incredibly sorry to anyone who has ever been made to feel like waxing isn't for them or they "aren't allowed" to get it done. Personally, I've been waxing for over 4 years and I have (and still do) wax a vast majority of plus-size folks. In my 3 years in business on my own, I've done a lot of extra training and practicing and even created my own techniques to ensure all my clients are having the same experience and results.

My bed comfortably holds up to 600 pounds, and in my 3 years of using it, I've never once had any issues. I have 2 separate step stools clients are welcome to use to get on the bed as well!

For something like a brazilian wax, I may ask the client to hold their belly taut for me, but I'll also always let them know when is an okay time to relax if I've moved to a different area. Other than that, there are no differences in waxing different body types.

How many services should I book at once?

This is totally up to you! Some of my clients come in for 3+ hours at a time to get all their favorite services in one go. Almost none of my services contradict each other anymore, so it should be easier than ever to get it all done in one appointment if that's what you prefer.

Does a full leg (/full arm wax) wax include both legs (/arms)?

Yes! When booking a full leg wax, it will include both legs from the ankle to about 4 fingers out from the bikini area. A half-leg wax will include both legs and whichever half you prefer, the top OR bottom and it will either include 2 fingers above or below the knee, depending on which half you get done.

The same applies to arm waxes, a full arm will include from the wrist to about 4 fingers down from the shoulder. A half arm wax will be both arms waxed either from 4 fingers down from the shoulder to 2 fingers width below the elbow, OR the wrist, to 2 fingers width above the elbow.

When getting a half leg or half arm wax, some clients choose to opt out of the "2 fingers above/below the knee/eblow" part and that's totally fine too! Every appointment starts with us checking in and making sure we're on the same page about what's being done that day.

I have a brow wax booked; can I wear makeup to my appointment?

Of course you can! All services I offer start with a first step of cleansing, so any makeup can and will be easily removed. This also applies to lash services, any eye makeup worn in will be removed before the service starts!

My cycle started unexpectedly and I'm scheduled soon. can I get waxed, or should I reschedule?

It's totally normal, safe, and okay with me for you to be waxed on your period! As long as you have a fresh tampon in we're good to go, and I always have some on hand if you ever need one. Some people have said it's a bit more uncomfortable for them, and most of them also say taking ibuprofen or something similar helps with that!* All that being said, it's also normal and okay with me if you'd rather reschedule! These are two already very vulnerable experiences, not wanting to mix them is not a bad thing!

*Note that taking any kind of blood thinner can cause more bleeding during a wax, which isn't always scary, just something to be aware of!

5 hands are shown holding different menstural products, the text in the middle is bold and reads "Normalize getting a Brazilian wax during your menstrual cycle"

Is it possible to have too much hair?

In my opinion, no. That being said, I do believe it's a learned skill for waxers because I know when I first started, I was absolutely not as confident. Now, 4+ years in, I can confidently remove any amount of hair and still provide a relatively pain-free experience for my client. If you're specifically booking with me, just book the wax and don't worry about the rest!

I have ingrown hairs, what do I do?

My first step is always to analyze your body care routine. What body wash are you using, what are you using to wash your body, how often are you exfoliating and what's your exfoliating method, how often are you going to the gym or wearing tight clothes, etc. If you aren't exfoliating 1-3x a week, then start there. I recommend starting with just 1 night a week, then eventually working your way up to 2x, and then if you feel it's necessary, 3 times a week. You do not need an expensive product, or even a product at all. One of my personal favorite exfoliating methods is using a dry, clean face towel to do little circles on my body after a shower, before I dry off and get out. Using a little cloth on your wet skin will buff away those dead skin cells and give your hair a clear path when growing out, meaning fewer ingrown hairs and happy, healthy, smooth skin!

If adding in regular exfoliation is not cutting it, then consider switching to a better body wash like Fur's or using ingrown hair treatments. If you need help building a custom body routine, that's part of my job as your wax specialist! You can book an appointment with me and we can work together to tackle your problem areas in an effective way that has long-lasting results!

Can I bring a partner or friend to my appointment?

My answer will always politely be, no. They're welcome to come with you and wait outside the room or downstairs in the salon, but the person being serviced will be the only one in the room. This is for everyone's benefit, having extra people in the room can be distracting or disruptive for either of us during your appointment.

I know this can be very vulnerable and anxiety-inducing and I'm not ignorant of that. I offer a range of fidget toys before the start of each service, and I'm open and accustomed to several other things to help relax my clients throughout. I know it can be scary without your friend or spouse next to you, but I promise I'm a very experienced professional and will do everything in my power to make you as comfortable as I can!

Graphic reads: "How to relax your wax". Talk to your waxer, keep breathing, ask for a fidget toy, listen to your fav music, remember that post-wax confidence boost"

i'm uncomfortable/ uneasy about getting undressed for my service, what can we do about it?

If this is something you're worried about, please reach out to me (or your waxer)! This answer varies a lot depending on which service(s) are being done, but the short answer is we will always find a way to make you comfortable!

When a client has booked a service that requires any kind of clothing removal, I'll instruct you about getting ready and onto the bed before we start, and while I do this my back will generally be turned to you. I face the other direction while anyone undresses, in any capacity, for any service, until they're done and/or on the table and ready to start the service. The same goes for the end of the service when the client is getting re-dressed. I will always be facing the other direction, cleaning up my station until they're ready for checkout.

You're always welcome to bring clothes to change into (for example, bringing a pair of shorts to a leg wax if you're wearing leggings or pants) or use any clothes you've taken off to cover any areas you wouldn't want to be exposed. I also have medium-sized hand towels available, you're always welcome to ask for one (or more) to cover any areas you don't want visible!

do you offer ingrown hair extractions? do you treat scarring in the area?

Yes! Extractions are something I do on an as-needed basis. When booking a brazilian or bikini wax, I will always be on the lookout for anything I can extract. I almost always have about 5 minutes or so I can dedicate to extractions in the area. If you're someone who wants/ needs them done every single appointment, just let me know and I can add a few extra minutes to our appointment!

As far as scarring in the area, this is also on an as-needed basis. I previously offered vajacials, a facial for the bikini area, to treat and target the skin in that area. I recently removed them from my menu but can bring them back if there's enough demand for them. My best rec for this is to book a hydrojelly mask after your wax, the main mask I use for this service is made to target redness, relieve stinging from the wax and prevent ingrowns from coming in. I have several masks I can use and mix to even further target our exact "problem areas".

If you still have questions please feel free to message, email or text me any time! you can find me on social media @ronniesrelaxandwax


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