Speed wax specialist has entered the chat. As someone who does many, many, many, many waxes.. a lot of people come in and have no idea about the amazing benefits of waxing! Most people think it’s like any other hair removal method.
So, in case you don’t already know, I’m here to tell you why you should be waxing and what to expect when you finally go.
Why should you be on a regular waxing schedule?
1. Less hair growing back. Everyone’s heard the myth that shaving makes hair come back darker, thicker, and/or faster. Well, that’s just not true. It’s irritating to skin and causes hair breakage. Waxing, on the other hand, takes your hair from the root (think when you pull a hair from your head and see that little white bulb? Same idea) so eventually it will stop growing back. This is where consistency plays a big role. Only waxing once every few months is not going to stop your hair growing back.
2. The hair that is growing back, will be a lot finer. I’ve had people with the thickest, coiliest hair tell me there was no way in heck their hair could ever thin out…. And then 5 appointments later tell me they can’t believe how thin their hair is now. Again, consistency will be your best friend to see these results.
3. Less ingrown hairs! Waxing itself is a form of exfoliation which removes the top layer of dead skin, meaning less chances of infections, ingrowns, breakouts. This also goes back to taking the hair from it’s root. Shaving can cause breakage which is a leading cause of ingrown hairs. Taking the entire hair means there’s nothing to get irritated or infected!
4. Smooooooth skin! Who doesn’t love some baby-smooth skin?? (There are people who don’t like that, leave them alone, they’re valid too!)
5. You aren’t doing it yourself. A lot of my clients come in because they’re simply tired of shaving and having to reach every-which-way.
What To Expect When Starting Your Wax Journey
Realistic Expectations
You would think that everything above is what you should expect, right? That is what you should expect… just not after 1 appointment.
Any good waxer should explain to their clients that to get to this point you typically need to be coming in every 4 weeks for your first 3 appointments. This will allow the hair to get on the same growth cycle (all hair be the same length) which allows for a better wax. For most people, it will take those first 3 appointments to get a completely clean (as in, no hair left behind) wax and see the results listed above. Some people will take longer than that, some will take less. Each person’s hair is different and will act differently.
Pre-Wax Instructions
When you go in for your first wax, you’ll want to have at least a quarter of an inch (1/4″)of hair. Anything shorter than that will probably not be picked up by the wax. For most people, this means letting your hair grow out for 2-3 weeks, but as mentioned before, this could be different for different people.
Your first wax will likely have baby hairs left over, most likely because you’ll have hairs shorter than 1/4″. This is normal for a first appointment, especially for something like a Brazilian wax. I tell my clients this: Shaving is similar to cutting the grass. You aren’t getting rid of the hair entirely, just trimming it down. If you shave for years and years, your hair growth cycle is most likely at all different stages. So, it’s normal for it to take up to 3, or even longer than 3, appointments before you see a totally clean, baby-smooth wax.
Post-Wax Care
Your esthetician will likely give you an at-home regimen, depending on the service you’re getting. Finipil is great to have handy after waxes, it’s antiseptic to prevent ingrown hairs or breakouts and soothes skin at the same time and can be found at more Walmart, Kroger, etc. Using 2-3 times a week after a shower will help prevent new ingrown hairs!
When you start waxing, if you’re looking to achieve all these results, consistency will be your best friend. You don’t need to go every 4 weeks to the day, it’s okay to be lenient when needed. But going once, then 6 weeks later, then 8 weeks, then 4 weeks… will not be helpful to you! Talk to your esthetician and follow their recommendations the best you can!
If you happen to be in Columbus and want to get waxed by me feel free to book an appointment here, I’d love to have you in!