I’ve made some general posts about waxing, but nothing in depth about brazilian waxes. Here I’ll go over what a brazilian wax is, the difference between brazilians and bikini waxes, how mybrazilian services go, etc. If you haven’t read my first posts “Waxing 101” and “Pre and Post Wax Tips” then I’d suggest reading those first as I won’t cover the basics of waxing too much.
I would also like to note everything in this post and on my entire blog is mostly opinion not fact, and based on the way I run my personal business. Not every individual/spa/chain will have the same rules or protocols, so if you’re going elsewhere for your services talk with your esti about your questions!
What is a brazilian wax? What is a bikini wax? Bikini line vs bikini full???
A Brazilian wax will include 4 fingers width outside and above the panty line (demonstrated above in bikini full diagram), full front, labia, and the crack. With brazilians the crack is optional and you can leave as much hair in the front as you’d like, but when the labia is waxed that makes it a brazilian wax. It’s common for clients to leave a strip or triangle with this wax, it’s also common for clients to skip the crack.
A bikini full wax traditionally will include 4 fingers width outside and above the panty line. Not many people know it can technically include the entire mons pubis area if requested. The labia and crack are not included.
A bikini line wax as pictured above, will include 2 fingers width outside the panty line and above. This is the simplest and what most people have in their brain as “bikini wax”.
#1 Question: How bad does it hurt?
I never lie to my clients. I’m not going to sit here and say it doesn’t hurt, or that it’s easy, because it’s not. But what I will say is: it’s tolerable and not nearly as bad as you may think! Especially if you follow the pre-wax tips , it shouldn’t be that bad. That being said, everyone’s pain tolerance is different. I personally have fidget toys available during all appointments for clients to use if needed, and a lot of people say that helps!
It’s also worth nothing that the more you wax, the easier it gets. Because of all the benefits such as hair less growing back, but there will just never be a worse appointment than your first wax. After that it’s all smooth sailing!
TIP: When getting your wax, use your hands to pull up on your stomach area. This will make the skin taut which will help your wax specialist, it also helps ease the pain for you. By making the skin taut there’s less tugging happening, plus it gives you something else to focus on while getting waxed.
How often should you come back?
Generally speaking, you’ll want to be getting waxed every 4-6 weeks.
When you’re first starting, whether it’s your first ever brazilian wax or just the first one in a long time, the first 3 appointments will want to be 4 weeks apart. From there it varies person to person. Your hair will begin to grow back less and slower after each wax, so eventually you’ll be able to push back to every 5 weeks, then 6 weeks.
Some clients move back to 5 weeks right after their first 3 appointments, while others could come every 4 weeks for a year before being able to adjust to 5 weeks. It’s very dependent on the person and is not one schedule fits all!
How long should the hair be for a brazilian wax?
For any wax, you’ll want 1/4″ (a quarter inch) of hair grown out. Generally speaking this takes 2-3 weeks for most people. The #1 complaint I get isn’t about the wax hurting or being painful, it’s the difficulty of letting your hair get that long! But you only have to do it once.
What to expect during a brazilian wax at Ronnie’s Relax and Wax
Always take a bathroom break before the wax if needed!
When we enter the room I’ll instruct you how to get ready, while I get ready. I’ll explain to remove everything from the waist down, wipe with a wet wipe front to back, then have a seat on the bed when ready. While my client is undressing and getting ready, my back is turned while I get my supplies out.
I’ll let you know to get in the butterfly position when both of us are ready, explain it will include full front, labia and the crack and check with you to see how much hair you want removed. I’ll also offer a fidget toy at this time!
4. Cleanse and oil – cleanser will clear away dirt, oil, sweat, etc. A thin layer of oil is applied to make the wax easily roll off the skin without tugging too much.
5. Start the wax. My brazilian appointments take 20 minutes or less, so it goes pretty fast! We’ll do the entire front and labia (then I’ll apply post-wax oil), then I’ll have the client bring their knees to their chest, cannonball style, for the crack wax. There are several positions for this part, so if you’re unable to move like that we’ll find something that is comfortable for you!
6. Apply post-wax oil. The oil from my wax distributor is applied to calm your skin, calm irritation, calm stinging, get rid of redness, prevent ingrown hairs, etc. It has a few key ingredients like peppermint oil, lavender oil and tea tree oil.
7. Get up, get dressed, rebook, go home and follow my aftercare tips to prevent irritation or ingrown hairs!
Ready for your brazilian wax now that you have all the info? Book with me here & get 20% off your first visit!
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